Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

If you do not see your question asked and answered below ...

Tap on any heading below to get more information about each.

How much will it cost to have our website built?

You may choose to DIY if you want, then it costs you nothing.

  • You may register free, and we do not ask for a credit card.
  • You'll have full access to our website builder.
  • You may follow the instructions and watch the tutorial videos and build your own site.
  • Registration is FREE and we don't ask for a credit card.

We build custom websites starting at $300.

  • We can create a "starter" website for you for just $300.  It will have a home page, your choice of content for a second page, and a contact page.
  • For $500 we create complete small sites with up to seven pages.
  • We can create a custom site for you within your specified budget.

We also create Free, Custom Website Demos based upon the budget you are working with.

Is there a monthly or annual fee and what does it include?

Is there a monthly or annual fee and what does it include?

  1. There is NO fee to register free to use our platform (ZERO initial or startup)
  2. There are NO monthly or annual fees to use our platform for creating and publishing your site to our development server.
  3. You will be able to get your site looking and working EXACTLY like you want (on development server) without paying anything in setup, or monthly or annual fees!
When You're Ready to Publish your site to Your Own Domain ...
  • Then you will need to purchase your choice of CMS subscription plans, which start at just $15/mo or $165/yr.

    * Includes FREE domain name.
    * Includes FREE, business class hosting.
    * What we charge for is the CMS & Support, once your site is going live for the public to see (on your unique domain name).

  • Other subscription plans are available (and cost more), just choose the one that satisfies your wants and/or needs.

Who owns our domain name?

Who owns our domain name?

  1. If we have registered it for you, YOU do.
  2. If you have registered it yourself, YOU do.
  3. If you have allowed your domain to TRANSFER to us for FREE domain management, YOU do.
  4. If you have been using some other platform other than us, WE DON'T KNOW - but we can help you find out.  (Sometimes this can be a bit difficult, because there are many unscrupulous companies that are dishonest and we cannot control, sometimes we cannot even make contact with them).
What Does this Mean?

If we have control of your domain, we NEVER own it, we only professionally manage and secure it for you.

If you ever decide to leave us, we'll promptly (upon your request via our support ticket system) unlock your domain and give you a transfer authorization code.  You may then TRANSFER your domain to any provider that you choose.

Who owns the copyright to our site content?

Who owns the copyright to our site content?

  1. If you have built your site yourself, you do!
  2. If we have custom build your site for you, and you have paid for it, you do.

You may download your entire site using our CMS with a single click and you may move your site's service to any website hosting provider that you choose and fire us.  This means you would CANCEL your subscription with us - no longer pay us and lose access to our CMS, but keep your site!

There is no risk to you.

Unlike ALL OTHER PLATFORMS, you can host the site that is built with us ANYWHERE!

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
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